Time out in Lafrançaise
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To simplfy things the rate for your resourcing stay includes the price of the room, breakfast and group activities. There is a supplement for full board.
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"Nous avons passé un séjour très agréable à L'Ostalas. Entre les activités [...]"
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Events : IN & OFF at L'Ostalas

Facial Yoga & Hair Yoga Workshop : lymphatic drainage, self-massage, stretching, toning and acupressure. A moment suspended for yourself (see pictures opppoosite) :
- Studio Sweet Ôm Montauban (82) - October 8, 2024 - 7:15 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.: Facial yoga with Brigitte and sound journey with Alizé's Tibetan bowls
- Facial yoga in Lyon, we will be hosted by Delphine, Studio Osteo Yoga for 2 hours of lymphatic drainage, toning, stretching, self-massage and acupressure workshop. Thursday November 21, 2024 - 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Information and registration with me/Brigitte 0611960499
- Hair and scalp yoga & Sound journey to Tibetan bowls: Brigitte and Alizé offer a rejuvenating start to the evening, a time for yourself in Montauban, Studio Sweet Ôm Montauban. Mark your calendars and see you Thursday, November 28 at 7:30 p.m. for a 1.30-hour workshop! Info and registration with Alizé 0637442738.
- At L'Ostalas, Sunday December 15 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. to prepare our faces to shine for Xmas & New Year's Eve! Information and registration with me/Brigitte 0611960499

End of year events:
- Christmas at the castle - Christmas market at the wonderful Château de la Baronnie - Lafançaise (82). Find the pretty products from the small, healthy and responsible boutique of L'Ostalas, its favorite brands Umaï, Sense, Graine de Pastel, Ondoterra, Sentara, ...
Saturday November 30 from 10:00 to 00:00
Sunday December 1st from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- What about finishing your Xmas shopping in style, our pop-up store at L'Ostalas will be open on Sunday December 21 and 22 from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Spring retreats hosted at L'Ostalas :
-  Infuse Retreat by  @naturopathiebabeth - May 1st to 4th, 2025. Delighted & excited to welcome Elisabeth Lacoste (5th year)! Naturo, personnal development personnel, yoga, dance, meditation, sophrology, creative expression, self-massages, sylvothérapy...
- Holiday Yoga Retreat with Audrey @yogiphilosophie - May 7th to 11th, 2025. 20-hour slow & dynamic practices, slow life, contemplation, sound bath, ... 

Masterclass: After the success of the masterclass dedicated to visualization , several others are planned this season with our “experts in residence” who will offer to share their knowledge on themes such as nutrition or the practice of facial yoga, or the Feldenkrais method - Programming in progress - Open to residents and, upon registration, to neighbors and friends.
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