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To simplfy things the rate for your resourcing stay includes the price of the room, breakfast and group activities. There is a supplement for full board.
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Face and eye yoga

Toning, stretching and self massage

Facial yoga includes various head face and neck toning, stretching and self massage exercises.
This practice helps to reconnect the head to the rest of the body and to tone up your skin.

Eye yoga includes stretching, exercising  and relaxing your eye muscles.
It highlights the importance of movement, relaxation and attention.

It is all about conscious gentle exercises during which breathing sets the pace for the muscle exercises.
It relieves tired eyes and can even prevent some sight problems.
It brightens and tones skin and helps to you to maintain a radiant glowing complexion.

Our face is the mirror to our soul, to who we are.
Being mindful of our face and taking care of it allows us to age better which seems good reason to include facial yoga activity in L'Ostalas' programme.

"When I discovered how easy it is to include these exercises in a daily personal care routine it made me want to share the methods with others especially as they are a genuine ecological alternative to existing skin care routines." Brigitte

Brigitte Durand 

After acquiring almost 30 years experience, at first in Communication and Events management then, in Human Resources mainly Training and Development along with Operational Management, Brigitte Durand has decided to ally her skills, her experiences and her convictions concerning well being. Today l this wealth of skills and know how are to be found in at the Ostalas!  Brigitte actively practises Vinyassa, Lyengar and Yin yoga and has trained in facial yoga methods with Sylve Lefranc in Paris.
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