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To simplfy things the rate for your resourcing stay includes the price of the room, breakfast and group activities. There is a supplement for full board.
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Shinrin Yoku

Nature therapy

Nature therapy through Forest Bathing comes from Japan where it is currently called "Shinrin -Yoku"
The Japanese have made it an art and a science. 
This traditional practice is literally bathing  in Nature, connecting one's senses to the trees.

It reduces the body's stress hormone (cortisol) levels thus diminishing stress and allowing you to relax.
Walking through woods and forests reduces the heart rate, blood pressure and the body's blood sugar levels. 
It also stimulates the activity of certain immune cells.

The Osatalas' grounds boast 3 hectares of truffle oaks the beneficial effects of which we wish to share with all.
Tree bathing is not yet a widespread practice but can be carried out easily in any wooded area, your garden, a park or even (if you cannot access a wooded area) by tending your house and balcony plants.

"I am a confirmed Nature lover. Contact with Nature is as vital for our health and well being as exercise and a healthy diet. Awakening and opening up our senses by strolling through a wooded area means going back to or roots and reconnect to the world of Nature." Brigitte.

Brigitte DURAND

After acquiring almost 30 years experience, at first in Communication and Events management then, in Human Ressources mainly Training and Development along with Operational Management, Brigitte Durand has decided to ally her skills, her experiences and her convictions concerning well being. Today l this wealth of skills and know how are to be found in at the Ostalas! 
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