Taï Chi Chuan
Calm and relaxation through movement
Taiji Quan 太極拳 (pronounced tai chi chuan) appeared in China centuries ago. It is practiced daily by a lot of Chinese people. There are several styles of Taiji Quan, the Chen style that we propose to do at L’Ostalas remains the most ancient and it can be practiced by everybody. It insists on wide and smooth movements, associated with breathing relaxation. This martial art is well known for maintaining a good physical and mental health, in particular a healthy articular system. It reduces stress and tensions, by bringing calm and muscle relaxation.
Denis Réghénaz
Denis Réghénaz, a retired engineer for Airbus, has been practicing Aiki jutsu for 40 years and Taï Chi Chuan (Chen style) for 30 years. He is currently 4th dan and he is a teacher with a federal diploma, working mainly for UFOLEP. Denis is also an instructor and a technical advisor for the Cercle d’Étudiants d’Arts Martiaux Traditionnels (a student group of traditional martial arts) in Montauban.