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To simplfy things the rate for your resourcing stay includes the price of the room, breakfast and group activities. There is a supplement for full board.
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The five Tibetan Rites

The Five Tibetan exercises

The Five Tibetan Rites are five exercises inspired by monks from remote Himalayan plateaus and are very similar to Yoga.

Brought to light by Peter Kelder in the 30's these exercises call on all the muscles in the body in a precise and gentle way and maintain, with regular practice, physical and mental strength.

According to their practitioners, of which we have been part for some 4 years now, practising the Five Tibetans regularly, helps to start the day full of drive and spirit, to strengthen the muscles through easing tension and dispersing stress, it improves breathing and digestion and procures a feeling of deep relaxation an well being.

Why are they part of L'Ostalas programme?
Because the Five Tibetan Rites are an excellent way to start each new day.

"A genuine set of good practice 'take away' exercises to carry on once home! Especially as these exercises can be done by everyone, whatever their age and physical shape." Brigitte


Brigitte DURAND

After acquiring almost 30 years experience, at first in Communication and Events management then, in Human Resources mainly Training and Development along with Operational Management, Brigitte Durand has decided to ally her skills, her experiences and her convictions concerning well being. Today l this wealth of skills and know how are to be found in at the Ostalas!  Brigitte actively practises Vinyassa, Lyengar and Yin yoga She discovered the 5 Tibetans in 2016 and cannot live without them now.
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